Rosa Coral
Knock Out
Rosa Coral Knock Out® belongs to the Knock Out® shrub roses which are known for their compact size, long bloom season, bright colors, profuse flowering, exceptional resistance to blackspot and winter hardiness. Grows in a rounded, bushy and well-behaved shrub, up to 4-5 ft. tall and wide (120-150 cm). Best grown in full sun or partial sun, in rich, fertile with adequate moisture, well-drained soils.

Rosa Red
Knock Out
Like nearly all roses, Knockout Red Rose performs best in full sun with fertile, well-drained slightly acidic soil but it will withstand partial shade and is one of the few roses that will bloom in partial shade. Prune during the growing season on an “as needed” basis to manage plant size though they require less pruning than most roses.

Rosa Coral
Bright, coral-orange blooms cover this small, mounding shrub from mid-spring to mid-fall. Coral Drift® has vibrant flowers that catch your eye from anywhere. They are fully winter hardy and disease resistant, as well as heat and drought tolerant.

Rosa Pink
Knock Out
Single petals, just like the original, but in a beautiful shade of bright pink! Like the other members of the family, The Pink KnockOut® Rose is black spot resistant, drought-tolerant and self-cleaning. A perfect companion to other shrubs, roses and perennials.

Rosa Pink
Blooming its heart out, Rosa Pink Drift® is a terrific groundcover rose which produces abundant clusters of small, deep pink flowers adorned with a pale center. They open up in a softly cupped shape to reveal the stamens and stand out against the glossy deep green foliage that is noted for its strong disease-resistance.

Rosa Sweet
Blooming its heart out, Rosa Sweet Drift® is a terrific groundcover rose which produces abundant clusters of clear pink double flowers, packed with up to 35 petals. They open up in a softly cupped shape to reveal the stamens and stand out against the glossy deep green foliage that is noted for its strong disease-resistance. Blooming continuously from spring until frost, this rose is low ...